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Forbidden Feelings: A Poetry Anthology

Greetings, dear reader, and welcome to my collection of poetic verse.  "Forbidden Feelings: A Poetry Anthology" is a thought-provoking and evocative anthology that delves into the darker, often misunderstood, or stigmatized emotions that are often labeled as "bad" by society. The poems in this collection explore the complexities and nuances of emotions such as sorrow, anger, fear, and guilt, and how they can affect us on a deeper level. Set within the context of dark academia, these poems offer a unique and introspective look at the human experience and the range of emotions that we all experience. With its rich and emotive language, this collection is sure to leave a lasting impression on you. Within this collection, you will find a selection of twelve poems, each delving into a distinct emotion that is frequently deemed "negative" or "unfavorable". These emotions including grief, solitude, and rage, among others, are considered wrong when these
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